Nature at lacrosse

Osprey with Catfish

This was a very unexpected shot at my son’s LCO lacrosse tourney at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. I initially hesitated to even bring my camera to the Fairgrounds since it has such clunky backgrounds in every direction (dirt car lots, aging strip malls). Not that I dislike that visual, which can be very interesting in lifestyle shots. I’ve just found it’s way too busy a backdrop for the mid-air action shots I’ve come to love with LAX.

While watching the boys play at ground level, I noticed large birds circling above the fields and landing on giant nests atop the stadium lights. This bird looked like it had something in its claws, so I grabbed my 70×200 zoom to get a better look, and got this gem: A giant Osprey mum delivering fresh catfish to her babies in the nest.


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